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《自然·通讯》(Nature Communications)发表了该项成果,《科学》(Science)周刊对该成果进行了推介。(Nature Communications 9, 2559 (2018))(推介:Science  361, 988(2018))

Fig.1:Chloride ions get to certain interfacial locations by heterogeneously penetrating the as-grown film, andmodify the interface zones via lattice expansion on the metal side, and induced undulations at the interface and structural inhomogeneity on the film side. (a)Cross-sectional HRTEM images along the [001] axis of the austenitic matrix showing the interface between the passive film and steel matrix. It is seen that the passive film is mainly amorphous, with some nanocrystals. (b-c) Element maps of the film formed in (b) 0.5 mol L-1H2SO4and (c) 0.5 mol L-1H2SO4+ 0.3 mol L-1NaCl electrolyte at 640 mV / SHE for 30 min. (d) High resolution HAADF-STEM image along the [001] direction of the austenitic matrix showing the passive film on (110) of FeCr15Ni15single crystal in 0.5 mol L-1H2SO4. The interface is sharp and straight at the atomic scale. (e) LADIA simulation map based on d, which shows no evidence of lattice expansion and associated tension. (f) High resolution HAADF-STEM image along the [110] axis showing a passive film formed in 0.5 mol L-1H2SO4+ 0.3 mol L-1NaCl electrolyte, with corresponding undulating interface. (g) LADIA simulating map based on f, revealing obvious lattice expansion, with associated induced tension.
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